Phone Icon (951) 390-3729
Phone Icon (800) 344-2342
Valley Force Private Security Services in Hemet, CA

Well-Trained Private Security Guards in Hemet, CA

Valley Forge Private Security primary function is to protect, secure, shield, safeguard, and preserve City Businesses, City Buildings, & Private Properties. V.F.P.S. provides a security assessment and conducts business with 'any' businesses that has problems, complaints, disputes, dilemmas, issues, predicaments, difficulties, and complications with: loiterers, trespassers, displaced individuals, drifters, panhandlers, vagrants, and transits, who wish to congregate or assemble on City Businesses, City Buildings, & Private Properties.

Dedicated Security Guards in Hemet, CA

Post-Up Sentry Security
Corporate Security & Residential Security

Our armed and unarmed security officers look to preserve and protect building property from misplaced individuals who wish to: sleep, urinate, defecate, consume alcohol, pollute, contaminate, litter, cause havoc, write graffiti, vandalize, or commit property crimes.

Unarmed/Armed Security 

In detail, Valley Forge Private Security provides the most relevant 'hands-on' Protection Officer's in Stand Guard (Post-Up) Sentry Security.  Factors that make V.F.P.S. so effective when protecting private properties is the 'accountability' to oversee each Protection Officer through stringent Field Supervisors.  Below is a list of security services V.F.P.S. provides in armed & unarmed property protection:  City Corporate Buildings, City Financial Buildings, City Estate Buildings, City Private Colleges/School Buildings, City Parking Structures/Lot Buildings, Commercial Security, Industrial Security, Residential/Private Personal Security, Apartments/Hotels/Gated Community Security, Warehouses/Construction Site, Grocery Market Security.